Five short videos
(Scroll to middle of page for reproducible handouts)
Meet Nisaf, a winsome twelve-year-old girl in Kurdistan (northern Iraq). She lives with her family in a refugee camp, along with 8,000 other children and their families, after they fled from ISIS terrorists. Through five short videos Nisaf shows us where she lives and other special places in the camp, including the Noor Center. Established by Impact Middle East, the Noor Center creates ways for children to laugh, play, and feel safe again after all the trauma they have experienced in their lives. Reproducible handouts provide activities and additional information for each of the videos. Project options provide ways for children’s groups to help children like Nisaf.
Meet Nisaf, a twelve-year-old girl in Kurdistan. Nisaf likes to play outside with her friends and help her mom with the household chores.
Nisaf and her family used to live in another part of Iraq. In 2014, ISIS terrorists attacked their village, destroying much of it and hurting and killing many people. Nisaf and her family fled to find safety in Kurdistan.
See how the eight people in Nisaf's family make a one-room tent their home.
Because the children have lived through war, they have experienced a lot of trauma. The Noor Center creates ways for them to laugh, play, and feel safe again.
The Bible tells us that Jesus loves children. While Jesus was on earth, He opened His arms to them and said, “The kingdom of Heaven belongs to little children like these!” The workers at the Noor Center know that when they help children like Nisaf, they are doing what Jesus wants them to do.
Other Children’s Resources
Click here for Missions Alive! Middle East and other downloads (missions curriculum for grades 1-6)