Videos about Coronavirus Response
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Stories about Coronavirus Response
Step by Step
from Impact Middle East leader in Egypt
We had not seen each other for a long time because of the coronavirus. So, when the house church was able to meet again to worship and sing, we were so happy.
Soha arrived during the singing. She looked sad and tired. Tears were running down her face. At fellowship time we asked her what had happened. She replied, "You know my husband works far away from home. We don't see him much, but this week I got a call from him. He was calling from a hospital because he had contracted the coronavirus. I went to see him in the hospital. He is very sick, and I think he is going to die.”
For a while she stopped talking, like a memory had come to her. Then she continued. “You know, my dear brothers and sisters, that some time ago my husband was in prison for a crime he didn't commit. I asked many people, including lawyers and important people, to help me get him out of prison. He was freed after a while, and, as a family, we felt like we were coming out from death to life. But today I feel coronavirus has come to drag my husband from life to death.”
She continued to cry, and we all cried with her.
“Now my husband’s freedom is not in the hands of important people and lawyers as before. His life is in the Lord’s hands. I am asking you to pray to the Lord with me to bring my husband back healthy to me and to his children.”
At the next meeting we heard Soha's husband’s situation had grown much worse. We were disappointed with the news, but we decided to continue praying for him and his family as a church and individually. To be honest, most of us, including me, were not sure he would recover. But a great, old wise man in our group told us: “Pray with faith and assurance because ‘for in him we live and move and have our being’ (Acts 17: 28).“
Two days later, Soha called us with this news, "The doctors took him out of intensive care, and he is much better! Could you please continue praying to God for the next step in his healing: that he would be released from the hospital?”
I left that meeting reminded that God always answers prayer – sometimes “yes,” sometimes “no,” and sometimes "step by step."
Not Just the Pastor’s Job
One day I called to check on a lady whose husband had received Christ a short time before. When I asked her how her family was doing, she told me, “Pastor, I want to tell you that this church is a real special church because it really cares about its members, which is rare now-a-days. You really care about supporting our physical and spiritual needs. That is what caused my husband to accept Jesus as his Savior. Andre (her husband) is always encouraging us to keep going to church.”
After months of severe restrictions put in place by the Jordanian government to stop the spread of the coronavirus, most economic and in-country travel restrictions have been lifted. Schools, parks, and movie theaters remain closed, however, and festival activities and international travel are still prohibited.
Throughout the COVID pandemic, Impact Middle East leaders in Jordan have faced a very important question: What is the role of the church in hard times like these?
The Jordanian pastor who shared the above story tells of his church’s answer to that question.
Our church, settled in Marka, east of the capital Amman, is surrounded by needy families. Our church ministry groups kept in touch with these people by phone. Later, we prepared and delivered food boxes to the 44 families who are a part of the church. We also gave the children gifts, including Bibles. Our church families were thrilled and felt so supported.
COVID-19 kept us away from one another, but I am so thankful to the Lord for our church elders. They were so passionate to do the work I encouraged them to do. They were faithful to accomplish it as if I were there with them. “Doing ministry is not only the work of the pastor,” they shared with me. This declaration was the fruit of training I had earlier shared with my church team. The team members are eager to do ministry and to visit and help the church families. All the glory is to our great God!
Please thank God with us for His protection, and pray for these requests:
Pray for the church families’ financial needs, which are still great.
Pray for the church elders and servants to grow in their trust in the Lord and in their commitment and dedication to serve Him.
Pray for the church to have an ever-expanding influence in the community.
I Want Them to Know
by Impact Middle East leader in Egypt
I didn’t like Kurbiika* when I first met her at one of our house church meetings. She seemed very proud. I soon discovered her pride was not in herself but in her faith and how her faith had changed her view of life, money, and people.
She told me, "I came from a background that doesn't care about women, that treats them like a possession rather than a human being. I had been married three times and had come to the point that I was sick of living with another person. Then I came to this house church meeting. Here I accepted Christ as my Savior. He lights up every area of my life – my thinking and my behavior. He healed my past. He helped me forgave my family and my husbands.”
I was so happy to hear her story and to understand the source of her pride. I was also thankful she was growing rapidly in her faith.
Kurbiika joined a team that ministered to people during the coronavirus. Sadly, she caught the virus from a family she had been assisting with food and financial support. Kurbiika was hospitalized. I couldn’t visit her, but I did speak with her on the phone. She was in such a good mood that I thought maybe she had been released and was back home. She assured me that she was still in the hospital. She said, “I am trying to encourage the people around me by talking with them about the good news and the new life I have experienced. Many of them fear death, which is normal. I used to be afraid, as well. But the difference between me and many of them is that I know where I am going when I die. They don’t know. I know about heaven and being with Jesus for eternity. I want them to know, too.”
*not person’s real name
Everywhere I Go
photo not actual person in story
by Impact Middle East leader in Bethlehem
The coronavirus pandemic has caused many people to see their lives from a new perspective. They have wondered why this crisis is happening, and they have fears about the future and what it holds.
After the lockdown for COVID-19 was partially lifted, I went to the barbershop. No more than two people were allowed to be in the shop at a time – one man seated in the barber’s chair and one waiting in a chair off to the side. As I was getting my hair cut, a medical doctor entered the shop. Because he is a doctor, the barber asked him about the coronavirus and why it is happening.
After a few minutes, I joined them in their discussion. I started speaking about God and His control of the world. I spoke about the work of God in the lives of mankind in general. Then I started speaking about my own life. I shared with them my spiritual experiences, and I emphasized the importance of having a good relationship with God through faith in Him and His Word. I made it clear that as a believer I do not have to be afraid of the future because I believe in Jesus who died for us. I can be confident He will take care of me, and all believers, until the end of time.
When the barber finished my hair cut, I moved to the other chair, and the doctor claimed the barber’s chair. The doctor asked me to continue speaking about Jesus. I felt the Holy Spirit filling the room. I quoted John 3:16, and I shared the story of Nicodemus and the story of Jesus’ death on the cross.
The doctor was moved. He said to me, “You and I should talk more. I want to hear more about Jesus.” I told him I would be glad to talk to him at any time. I encouraged him to start reading the Bible, beginning with the Gospel of John. He promised he would.
The doctor later texted me to tell me he had enjoyed our conversation in the barbershop. He said he had heard Christians talking before but what they said sounded like nonsense. But this time he heard things in a different and meaningful way. He also told me he had started reading the Gospel of John.
Although the Lord opens new doors for me to speak of Him everywhere I go, the coronavirus has created even more opportunities. I praise Him for using us for His glory.
New People
by Impact Middle East leader in Egypt
*Sabah has been poor all her life. The man she married was as poor as she was. They lived in a miserable house. Sabah said, “I have experienced poverty all my life. I was thinking life would get better after a while. Then my beautiful daughter *Mosi was born. I thought from the beginning, this girl will take us to a higher level of life if she gets married to a wealthy man.”
The day came when Mosi married a man who was much older than her and from another Middle Eastern country and culture. Sarab acknowledged, “I did not know the man was already married to two other women. I just knew I did not want to be poor anymore.” On her daughter’s wedding night, the man gave Sabah twenty thousand Egyptian pounds ($1,200 USD) as a gift for being Mosi’s mother. “I came to realize that twenty thousand pounds was the amount for which I sold my daughter to this man.”
The money did not make Sarab rich or happy. Her life became even more miserable when she learned that Mosi was suffering greatly through the actions and words of her husband and his two other wives. Mosi finally left her husband and returned home. Sarab was so happy to have her back even though she returned with nothing.
As servant leaders from an Impact Middle East house church delivered food to help Sarab's family during the Coronavirus crisis, the women witnessed the love of Jesus through these workers. Sarab and Mosi both gave their hearts to the Lord. Sarab says, “I see life now through Jesus’ eyes. It looks very different from my life before.” Sarab asked one of the leaders if she could have a large-print Bible, and they brought one to her. She concludes, “I have to admit, God’s Word has made me hungry for more than food or money. I’m now hungry for the Good News that has made us into new people.”
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” (2 Corinthians 5:17)
*not person's real name
God Brings Help and Healing to MBBs
Note: MBB stands for Muslim Background Believer
An Impact Middle East Pastor tells how God brings help and healing to MBBs during the coronavirus crisis in Amman, Jordan.
During a recent Zoom prayer meeting, I prayed for those who have heart problems and tiredness. Later an MBB friend phoned me to tell me he had been experiencing a lot of pressure in his chest. Believing he was having a heart attack, his family carried him to the hospital. (They were not allowed to drive at that time due to coronavirus travel restrictions.) The night of the prayer meeting, he saw me in a dream while asleep in the hospital. He said I came to him in the dream, put my hand on his chest, and prayed for him. He told me that at that moment the pressure in his chest left him, and it has not returned.
During another Zoom prayer meeting, I prayed specifically for MBBs and those who have physical, financial, and psychological problems. An MMB friend later called me to tell me he had been going through a time of great psychological and financial testing. He had once made a decision to follow Christ, but due to pressure from his family, he had succumbed to fear and retreated from that decision. When he began to have severe chest pains, his family carried him to the hospital. That night – the same night as the prayer meeting – he saw me in a dream. He said that when I touched his chest in the dream, the chest pains left him and were still gone when he awoke. He continues to feel better, and his faith is renewed.
I recently talked with an MBB over the phone. I encouraged him and then asked him if he wanted anything. I was surprised when he said he wanted to send money to a needy believer. He works online and has the method and means to give. His financial gift came as a great blessing to a fellow believer.
God has provided an MBB to help us care for those in need. This individual has a special license from the government to drive, Through him we can deliver food packages and money to eight MBB families or individuals.
Nothing for Me!
Story from Impact Middle East leader in Egypt
Since the coronavirus has hit our world, many people are struggling. It is like a strange visitor – one that no one wants – has come without an invitation or an appointment. Many people have lost their jobs; many cannot provide for their daily needs.
As church leaders we decided to help people from various house churches by distributing food (rice, pasta, sugar, and tea) to bless them and to show the practical love of Christ. When we visit their homes, we pray with them and encourage them. We do this at least once a week for each family.
One week, after praying with the family at our last stop for the day, their neighbor spoke to us. “Nothing for me! Every week you come here with your friends, but you never bring anything for me!”
We did not know her or anyone from her family. But we sent someone from our team to a nearby shop to purchase food for her. She was very happy to receive the food when we presented it to her. I asked her if I could pray for her and her family inside her house. She said, “No! I don’t believe what you believe!” We responded, “That’s OK,” and continued to bring her food every time we visited her area.
One day when we brought food, she asked us to come in and pray with her. We not only prayed with her, we also read God’s Word. The scripture passage from Matthew 18 told her how the Son of Man came to save that which was lost. The Holy Spirit helped her to understand she was one of the lost Jesus came to save. She was ready to accept Christ as her Savior.
After inviting Jesus into her heart, her thoughts turned to her family. She asked, “How can I help my family follow Christ? They know nothing about Him.”
She had been hungry for more than just physical food, and she continues to be eager to learn more about her Lord. One of our female leaders is discipling her.
Lord, you are amazing! We thought we had no food left to give to this lady. Then we were disappointed when she took the food we did offer but shut her door to us. But you were preparing her heart and her family’s hearts to receive you – the Heavenly Bread. Praise you, Lord!
Coronavirus and Country X
An Impact Middle East (IME) church has been ministering in a neighboring country for about nine years. Security concerns and the safety of our workers prohibit us from sharing the name of the country and any additional details about IME’s work there. The following update by an Impact Middle East leader will provide you a framework for understanding and praying for IME’s efforts there.
(In this article, we will refer to this country as “Country X.”)
The coronavirus crisis has created a situation unlike any we have dealt with in Country X. All people there – citizens and all those who provide humanitarian assistance – are at risk. After years of war, the country's health infrastructure has been all but destroyed. Millions of people live in camps with no access to water, soap or housing conditions that can allow them to practice social distancing.
Since the coronaviris crisis started, we were forced to stop our services in Country X because of travel restrictions in our own country. We had held five meetings per week (including two Bible studies, Sunday school, a women’s meeting, and a youth meeting) in space rented from friends.
With time, our government has permitted us to travel on a limited basis, and at certain times we have been able to distribute aid to the brothers, as well as pray with them and encourage them. As we have shared the message of the Lord Jesus with them, we have experienced unexpected blessings as families and individuals have come to know Jesus personally.
Another blessing is that some of the brothers who have modern mobile phones and faster internet have joined Zoom meetings with us. Conditions had not allowed us to get to know them all before, so we enjoy this opportunity to interact. We have been able to offer Leadership Training through these meetings. We believe we have clearly communicated important points about the life and goals of a leader, which we had not been able to do in the past.
Here is how you can pray for Impact Middle East ministry in Country X.
Pray for all those at risk. Pray basic needs, such as housing, safe water, food, and education, will be available. Pray for those have been caught in the crosshairs of violence.
Pray God gives us grace and strength as we carry out preaching and discipleship visits even when it takes a lot of time and effort. Pray for our strength and encouragement to continue.
Communication with various age groups is difficult. We now connect mostly by calling or through social media, but Country X has poor internet quality. Pray the internet will improve so we can use modern technology for the glory of the Lord and the growth of the faithful brothers.
Pray for the Lord to send more workers to serve with us.
Pray we can get a permit to build a church and obtain a cover we can serve under to work in the cities and the villages.
We pray for you and for everyone who supports this work. May God bless you and strengthen you!
From Disaster to Restoration
Story told by Impact Middle East Pastor in Egypt
Olena* found no meaning in her life. Nothing to live for. Her grown children had left home. Most of the time, no one cared about her, especially her husband who left her for another woman.
We met Olena while visiting homes to help those in need due to the coronavirus. She showed little interest in what we were doing. All she wanted was to find solutions to her problems. Every idea we gave her to solve one of her problems, she said, “no, that won’t work,” before even trying it.
Then Olena joined us twice when we distributed food to needy families. As we gave out food, we prayed with the families, encouraged them, and listened to them tell about challenges the coronavirus had brought to their lives.
One day Olena called us to ask about starting a prayer meeting at her house for those who live in her building. She said, “I think I need to pray more and join others. I want to ask the Lord to help me forgive my husband and children for what they have done to me.“
We helped Olena start the prayer meetings. When we could no longer attend, she continued them on her own. Her three neighbors faithfully attended, and then her husband started coming. As the five people prayed together, the Holy Spirit started working in their hearts, changing their minds and their lives.
Recently Olena called me to say, “God has used the coronavirus disaster to restore my marriage, to bring my husband and me to Him, and to bless our neighbors, as well. Now I believe Jesus can take the pieces of our lives and build something new with them. We were lost, but God found us.”
*not person’s actual name
Impact Middle East Responds in Jordan
Stories told by Impact Middle East Pastor in Amman, Jordan
Story #1
Geela* is the only person supporting her entire family. She has five children. Her husband had open-heart surgery some time ago and is unable to work.
Since I could not visit Geela, I called her to see how she and her family were doing. I learned she is no longer able to work or receive her monthly salary because of the coronavirus. She told me she had no money to buy bread or other food for her family. Frankly, I did not know what I could do to help because of coronavirus travel restrictions. However, I promised I would do my best to help her. I prayed for her and her family.
After about two days, a friend, who is a member of Jordan’s parliament, called to check on me. I asked if he could help me do something for Geela and her family. He told me he was ready to come get me and help me distribute food parcels to her and others who need help. Indeed, that is just what happened – that same day. Despite being stopped at various checkpoints, we managed to reach several families in need. Geela’s family was one of those who received help. Geela could not believe we had ventured out to give her a food parcel and money she could use to feed her family. She expressed many times her gratitude to the Lord and to the church and to us for what we did to help her.
All glory to the Lord!
Story #2
Kyril*, a Syrian widower with three daughters, is the only person to support his family after his wife’s death a year ago. Because of what has happened in Jordan due to the coronavirus, I called him to check on him and his family. He told me how his family was struggling to survive. He had been sick and had back problems, so he was unable to work. He and his daughters had eaten just bread and water for a week when I called.
We arranged for church families to bring them a hot meal each day. Some families even brought cookies for the girls. The family was also a part of a food distribution the church carried out for Syrian and Jordanian people in need. In addition, we gave Easter gifts to the girls.
Kyril called me one day to express his gratitude for all the church had done to help them. He was especially thankful his daughters had received special attention. He said they had not eaten cookies or sweets in about eight months!
All glory to the Lord!
* not person’s actual name