All throughout church history God has used small, alternative communities of faithful believers living in contrast to the hostility and chaos around them. From the early church in Rome that cared for widows and strangers, to the modern day war zones, as Christians we get to live out a rich tradition of gospel peacemaking. Today all over the Middle East, there are thousands of these small communities quietly serving their neighbors, even their enemies in creative ways that bear witness to the gospel, transform communities and bring about human flourishing and peace.
Through your monthly gift you can be a part of empowering these gospel peacemakers to love refugees, provide sports and education for kids, do prenatal care for expectant mothers, provide trauma counseling to those battered by war and invite others to learn about the Prince of Peace. Just $50 a month can help empower a part time gospel worker in many places in the Middle East. Would you consider praying and partnering with us?