Testimony shared with Impact Middle East leader in Egypt
I love our neighbor Mrs. Soad. She is a great woman, and she loves everybody in our building and on our street. I like the way Mrs. Soad talks. Her conversations include words like “grace,” “thankful,” “mercy,” and “freedom.”
I would climb the stairs to her flat to talk with her about books and listen to her beautiful stories and her soft voice. Every time I visited her, I came away with calmness in my mind and blessing in my heart.
Last year during Christmas I found my name on a gift under her Christmas tree. I asked her, “What is this?” She explained to me, “At Christmas time, Christians share gifts with their families, and I got a gift for you.” I was so happy that Mrs. Soad had remembered me in such a special way. She knows how much I like to read, and she had given me a book called “The Greatest Story Ever Told.” I spent the whole night reading this book about Jesus. The book tells why Jesus came to earth and what He did on the cross for sinners. My heart was greatly moved by the story.
The next day I couldn’t wait to speak to Mrs. Soad. I had realized I was one of those sinners Jesus had died for, and I wanted to tell her how much I love her Jesus. Mrs. Soad responded to me, “If you follow Him, you will be a new person – a new creation. Your whole life will change.” She explained to me how I could be born again. I was so excited as I made the decision to follow Jesus, and I had a great joy in my heart that no words can explain.
A few months later I was baptized, and for a year Mrs. Soad discipled me. I love reading the Bible, praying to the Lord Jesus and being a part of my house church.
Our friend wept as she told this story. We wept with her as she told us how her life had changed. We praise the Lord for our sister's story and for Jesus' story ... the greatest story ever told!
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