from Impact Middle East leader in Northern Iraq
On our first visit to the family – a mother and her three daughters aged 27 to 17, we learned they had been living through very difficult conditions for an extended time. The family’s father had verbally and physically abused his wife and daughters many times. He then left his wife to live with another woman in Baghdad. He didn't visit his own family, and he didn't support them financially.
He did, however, continue to make decisions for his daughters. He pushed his second daughter to marry at the age of 16. She divorced and her child went to live with his father; she was not allowed to see her son. The oldest daughter’s marriage also quickly ended in divorce. The daughters blamed their father for all this.
After opening their hearts and sharing their pain with us, I asked the family a question: “What are the attributes of a perfect father?” Their answer was: “He should be loving instead of full of hate, compassionate rather than cruel. He should act responsibly, care about the needs of his family, sacrifice for them and not use or take advantage of them.” I told them all the good attributes they had mentioned are found in God who is the perfect Father.
I then shared with them my own experience with God. When my father died, I accused God of taking him away from me. I told them how a person later taught me about my heavenly Father who loves me more than anyone else, even more than my physical father. What I learned helped me to change my view of God. I prayed and asked God to forgive me. I also asked God to change my life and accept me as his son. The Lord saved me from my sin and comforted me. Best of all, I became his son and He my loving father. He now strengthens me and supports me even when I am weak. I am honored to meet Him every day to tell Him about my daily challenges, hopes and failures.
After sharing my story, the family consented to let me pray with them. I encouraged them to read the Bible every day and promised to visit them again to talk more about our loving heavenly Father. They welcomed us to visit them again.
Please pray for this family to experience the fatherly love of our Lord, a love they desperately need. Pray we can share God’s love with more souls so His kingdom will grow and His name will be glorified in this land.