Because of My Love for Them

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Story from Impact Middle East leader in Israel

I visited my two unmarried aunts regularly, trying to reach them with the message of salvation. Because of my love for my aunts and my desire for them to know Jesus and to experience His saving love, I started praying for them continuously.

After a while, the Lord opened a door. A Christian woman from Africa came to Israel to make home visitations, to pray with people and to start house meetings in Bethlehem. I went with this woman to visit my aunts and began to speak to them about God’s work. God gave me grace in their eyes. They were so interested, and their hearts were so moved they had tears in their eyes. I prayed with them to receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

My cousin came in while we were praying. He heard the words of God and said, “I have been out of work for a long time. Please pray for me to find a job.” Before praying for this need, we asked him if he would like to pray to receive Jesus. After he agreed, we prayed for both needs. Just a few minutes after we finished praying, my cousin received a phone call. The caller informed my cousin that he had work for him and that he should come right then. My cousin praised God for answering the prayer so quickly. Now, I am following up with him to help him grow in his faith.