Eager to Speak

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by Impact Middle East leader in Israel

*Khak’s life changed dramatically. His wife noticed the changes in Khak’s behavior. He became more peaceful and calmer. He did not swear anymore. He started to use words like “please” with her. He used the word “Lord” instead of Allah. But when he began to use “Lord” with the word “U-ba-ri-kik” (meaning “He blesses you”), she really started to wonder. These words are used by Christians.

She decided to confront Khak. He told her that he had committed his life to Jesus. For her, if Jesus made Khak a much better person, she wanted to know more about this Jesus. Khak has invited two church leaders to come to their home to talk with and teach his wife.

Khak also influenced two other Muslim friends who have accepted Jesus Christ. Khak says “I am so eager to speak about my Lord Jesus with my friends and relatives. I want to help them see His love and mercy.”

Pray that Khak will have wisdom and protection as he eagerly speaks with others about Jesus.

*name has been changed